Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Losing my Best Friend

Reggie rockin my sunglasses. So Sweet!

Losing My Best Friend, Reggie

So, I started this blog on Dec 1 of 2011. Since then my life has gone through a complete tail spin. Bad luck, crying, horrible feelings, you name it.

The worst night of my life, my best friend Reggie, ran into the road and got hit. It was horrible I was outside with Reggie and Daisy, my 2 dogs. My boyfriends mom showed up and started walking across the street. Normally they would both stay in the yard, before I knew it. Reggie was laying on the road. I ran into the road, without even looking to see if another car was coming, Picked him up and brought him in the house. It was the longest 3 minutes of my life. I didnt know what to do. I realized Reggie wasn't breathing and it was horrible.  My heart dropped and the pain set in. I couldnt sleep that night. I kept waking up to cry. Reggie was the most lovable and caring dog. I can honestly say that he knew me better than anyone. He was always there for me. I just couldnt imagine walking through the back door without him coming to see me with a sock in his mouth. I honestly didnt know how to move on. I cried for weeks everyday.

My boyfriend, the best in world, was torn. He didn't know how to make it better. Which anyone who knows our relationship, knows that he is my savior, he always finds a way to make things better. Well, this was one of those times that no one could make it better except Reggie. I missed and still miss him so much. He was with me for seven years from pup to a fine young man.

So with all of that, I was depressed and solitude, didnt have any ambition to continue with life aspirations. Then it hit me, DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE. I needed to give myself reasons to feel better. I knew I wouldnt feel better by sitting on the couch and crying. I knew if I accomplished something I have been working on, I would feel better.

So here it is, My list of things to do

1- create a new blog post 1 every week
2- everynight for an hour work on getting my sewing room in order

3- enjoy the moments I had with Reggie, and learn to appreciate every second with all my loved ones.

I will talk to you all soon.
Be Good.
